Immer Geradeaus

The world on autopilot
Immer Geradeaus

Immer Geradeaus

The world on autopilot

An artistic experiment on how the world looks through the screen of a navigation device.

  • Self initiated

The world on autopilot

An artistic experiment on how the world looks through the screen of a navigation device.

When you look at the screen of your turn-by-turn navigation device, it seems like the road is always straight in front of you, as if it follows a straight line.

You chase a blue dot from A to B without paying attention to the actual route you follow, only if you have arrived or not. You have no active memory of how you got there and no clue of which path you followed through the city.

Immer geradeaus re-imagines the city as a long strip along your path, eliminating all turns by bending the city around you, so it indeed becomes a straight line from A to B, just as it appears on your turn-by-turn device.

Routes are rendered as large printable images of several meters wide.

Immer geradeaus is german for ‘keep straight on’

** shown below: **

  • Video of the Oudegracht, Utrecht
  • 4 cropped routes (all parts of Utrecht)
  • Amsterdam: Rijksmuseum to Rembrandtplein
  • Utrecht: Dom tower to Central station
Immer Geradeaus - Sylvain Vriens
Immer Geradeaus - Sylvain Vriens
Immer Geradeaus - Sylvain Vriens
Immer Geradeaus - Sylvain Vriens
Amsterdam: Rijksmuseum to Rembrandtplein - Immer Geradeaus - Sylvain Vriens
Utrecht: Dom tower to Central station - Immer Geradeaus - Sylvain Vriens
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